All young people will have equitable access to opportunities to develop their creative potential, live richer, fuller lives and develop the critical learning and life skills they need to become active contributors to their communities.
The Creative Youth Development National Partnership is working in concert with the broader field to drive collective action in three strategic priorities to advance creative youth development:
- Visibility and Impact: Documenting and Communicating Outcomes and Impact
- Funding: Building Pathways to Funding
- Field Building: Professional Development, Networking & Technical Assistance
Creative Youth Development (CYD) is a commitment to supporting young people’s stories, ideas, and dreams through creative expression and honouring their lived experiences. In order to create environments that promote Creative Youth Development, these three concepts must be present:
- Racial Equity and Social Justice
- Youth Voices
- Collective Action
Online Multi-Media Arts for Young People on Microsoft teams:
No experience necessary - No Cost - Open to all.
Weekly online sessions for:
Youth Voice
We also provide individual sessions at Pilgrim Street Arts Centre.
Creative Youth Development provides participatory arts for young people across Wirral promoting independence, positive self-esteem and confidence.
CYD provides a range of in-house activities based at Pilgrim Street Arts Centre and outreach activities including dance, drama, technical theatre, music and visual arts that enable young people to improve their physical and emotional well-being.
We work with young people aged 12 to 19, and up to 25 for those with disabilities
We also have a junior offer for young people aged 7 to 11. (Limits apply.)
We also run life skills projects which help young people to build confidence, and self-esteem and aim to improve mental health and wellbeing. These are offered as small group projects, and young people are referred in. We typically run groups for young women, young men and SEND young people. Any professionals who are interested in this can contact us directly to discuss it further and get a referral form
We also have an LGBT+ group
We run sessions Monday to Friday evenings and Saturdays
Who is this aimed at?
This support is open to young people aged 12 to 19 years and up to 25 years for those with disabilities.
This support is free, there is no cost.
How to get involved
If you have any queries or seek support please contact us.
Contact details
Phone: 0151 666 3706 or 07919 545004
For further information
For more information about Creative Youth Development search Creative Youth Development in this directory.
Visit the Creative Youth Development page on the Wirral Council website