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Cradle to Career – North Birkenhead

Gautby Road - Play, Youth and Community Centre, 69 Gautby Road, Birkenhead, CH41 7DS

Cradle to Career - North Birkenhead

Cradle to Career aims to bring local services, professionals, residents and community leaders together to support the children and young people of North Birkenhead. Our vision is that every child in North Birkenhead thrives into adulthood.


We know that where deprivation is high, outcomes for children and young people are low, and the barriers of inequity prevent these children and young people from realising their full potential.


The aim

Cradle to Career will bring together the community, families, education sector and local organisations and services with a place-based, collective impact approach to improving outcomes for children and young people. The community voice is the driving force behind direction and interventions. 


How do we do that

Right to Succeed will support a number of capacity building interventions in North Birkenhead, these include:  

  • The development of a locally-led governance structure of key stakeholders.  This will be led by the community, and will take responsibility for developing a long-term vision and plan for children and young people in North Birkenhead. 

  • Building capacity with stakeholders, service providers and community members to use evidence-informed practise, enabling collaborative design and implementation of effective strategies. 

  • Building a backbone structure that shares learning from the programme across the area as a means of increasing  understanding of the underlying drivers of disadvantage. This collective learning will promote consistency in the commissioning of early intervention and prevention work. 


Who is this aimed at?

Local services, professionals, residents and community leaders coming together to support the children and young people of North Birkenhead.



North Birkenhead Development Trust at St James Centre, 344 Laird St, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 7AL

We also run support services from:

Gautby Road - Play, Youth and Community Centre, 69 Gautby Road, Birkenhead CH41 7DS 



Our services are free to access


How to get involved

Visit our Facebook Page for updates to see where we are in the programme and how you can help us direct it for the future.

To find the right support for you please Visit the How We Can Help page on the Cradle to Career website

The Cradle to Career project is managed by Right to Succeed in partnership with Wirral Council, for more information please Visit the Right to Succeed website


Contact details

Phone: 0151 558 0262




For further information

For more information about Cradle to Career search Cradle to Career in this directory.


Visit the Cradle to Career - North Birkenhead Facebook page

Visit the Cradle to Career - North Birkenhead website



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