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Cheshire, North Wales and Wirral Dyslexia Association

Cheshire, North Wales and Wirral Dyslexia Association

Cheshire North Wales and the Wirral Dyslexia Association was established in 1980 to provide help and support for dyslexic adults and children in the Wirral and beyond. We are a charitable organisation run by volunteers, and rely on donations, membership fees and fundraising events to support our work.


Within its constitution, the major aims are:


  • Inform the public of the nature of the problem of dyslexia and its incidence in the community, to encourage public support and understanding and to promote and widen recognition of the disability.
  • Give information and support to parents and others in their attempts to find education which will enable the dyslexic individual to reach his or her full potential.


We work with Parent Partnership in both East and West Cheshire. Parent Partnership can provide support through trained personnel who can attend school meetings with Parents and help them establish the needs of their children. 



Our membership consists of parents of dyslexic children, adult dyslexics, teachers, specialist dyslexic teachers and assessors and others.


If you are interested in joining us and would like further information, please Visit the Membership page for the Cheshire, North Wales and Wirral Dyslexia Association


Who is this aimed at?

Dyslexic adults and children, parents/carers and professionals



The Dyslexia Association website can be accessed 24/7



20 Beechcroft Avenue,  Crewe,  Cheshire CW2 6SQ



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How to get involved

Within this website you will find many useful links to dyslexia-related information and other websites, including the national body for dyslexia (British Dyslexia Association). You are able to email any queries or general enquiries to us using our Contact form. 

Visit the Contact page on the Cheshire North Wales & Wiral Dyslexia Association website


Contact details

Phone: 07423 018339



For further information

For more information about Cheshire, North Wales and Wirral Dyslexia Association search Cheshire, North Wales and Wirral Dyslexia Association in this directory.


Visit the Cheshire North Wales and Wirral Dyslexia Association website

Visit the Cheshire North Wales and Wirral Dyslexia Association Facebook page



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