Career Connect Wirral is a charity committed to helping young people and adults realise their potential. Delivering professional career, employment and training services in schools, in the community and in prisons. Career Connect are passionate about inclusion and social mobility and committed to helping the most disadvantaged to create a better future.
Our Services
We help people to achieve success, by helping them to get a job, get into training or education, or plan the next step in their career.
Education Business Services
With over 18 years of experience, our team of expert careers professionals give the right advice at the right time.
Connect My Career
Individual career management helps professionals to build confidence to move on in their careers. A people-centred outplacement service for businesses, supporting your employees to move on.
Achieve North West Connect (ANWC)
Achieve North West Connect is a social inclusion project that targets offenders with multiple barriers to employment e.g. accommodation, substance misuse and issues with mental/physical health. Targeting such individuals ensures that those who are not currently accessing mainstream provision can be supported into jobs. Case managers offer intensive support to participants to enable their journey towards employment.
New Leaf
We are one of many partners involved in the New Leaf project, supporting offenders from across Warrington and Cheshire who genuinely want to move away from offending and change their lives and the lives of their families.
Supporting Young People
Career Connect has been appointed by Local Authorities across the Liverpool City Region, Manchester and Salford to support young people, to ensure they are engaging with a range of work and learning opportunities.
Professional Training Services
We deliver high quality, nationally accredited qualifications to improve skills in Careers, Advice and Guidance, Coaching and other programmes.
Who is this aimed at?
Young people and adults
Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm
7th Floor, Walker House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool, L2 3YL
How to get involved
For more information or support, please visit our website or get in touch by phone or email
Contact details
Phone: 0151 600 7700
For further information
For more information about Career Connect search Career Connect in this directory.
Visit the Career Connect website
Visit the Career Connect Facebook page