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Bumblebee Conservation Trust

Bumblebee Conservation Trust

The UK's bumblebees are in crisis. 

Bumblebees are familiar and much-loved insects that pollinate our crops and wildflowers, so people are rightly worried. With disappearing nature corridors, urgent action is needed to provide habitat and protect their populations.

They are hungry and homeless - Changes to our landscape mean good nesting and flowers are now in short supply.

We need them - Bumblebees are responsible for the pollination of wildflowers, fruits and vegetables.

They need our help - By providing better connected habitat across our cities and countryside.


The Bumblebee Conservation Trust was established in 2006 because of serious concerns about the ‘plight of the bumblebee’. Founded by Professor Dave Goulson, we now work across the UK inspiring everyone to help our precious wild bumblebees survive and thrive.

We work across England, Scotland, and Wales, ranging from work to promote the conservation of rare species to wider initiatives aimed at inspiring different groups to help bumblebees in their local area. We are bumblebee experts, regularly asked to comment on bumblebee science and conservation issues.


Our work

Since the Trust was founded we have created a national survey – BeeWalk – to monitor how the country’s bumblebees are doing.

We are inspiring a new generation to help bumblebees through our education and Bee the Change activities, and now run conservation and science projects in many parts of Britain, taking practical action to help save the country’s threatened bumblebee species.


Bee the Change

Bee the Change is all about quick, simple ways you can make your local area more bumblebee-friendly, see our website for resources and tips.

It doesn’t matter if you live in the city or the countryside. If you have a garden, a flower pot – or no outdoor space at all.


Resources for everyone

Learn about bumblebees

  • Beginners
  • Identifying bumblebees
  • Species guide
  • Scientific research


Who is this aimed at?

Everyone is invited to help protect bumblebees






UK wide



Free resources


How to get involved

You can get involved in lots of ways:

Contact details



For further information

For more information about the Bumblebee Conservation Trust search Bumblebee Conservation Trust in this directory.


Visit the Bumblebee Conservation Trust website

Visit the Bumblebee Conservation Trust Facebook page



Quick contact