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Big Deal

BigDeal is a place for young people to get information, advice and guidance about gambling. We also help parents and professionals such as teachers, social workers and youth workers. We know all about gambling, how someone else’s gambling can affect you, and about the difficulties young people can get into if their gambling gets out of hand. That’s why you can share your worries via our live chat or helpline, without fear of judgement.


If you are worried about your own gambling – or the gambling of someone you care about – the first step is to ask for help. We are here for you, so whatever you’re dealing with, get in touch for one-to-one confidential advice, information, and emotional support.

  • Live chat – Get one-to-one advice and support with our free online chat service
  • Phone support – You can speak to an Adviser on the National Gambling Helpline (run by GamCare) for free.
  • WhatsApp Chat – Chat with a Helpline Adviser one-to-one support 24 hours a day via our WhatsApp service


Our Young People Service offers support to young people who are struggling with their own gambling or the gambling of someone close to them, such as a parent. We are a team of friendly practitioners who are trained to help. We will never judge you if you are gambling, but we do know how tough it can be when things seem out of control. You can contact us directly or someone can get in touch for you.

If you decide this is the help you need, we will create a support plan together with you, and agree on some goals to work towards. We won’t tell your parents unless you agree. We will be there throughout to help you and review your progress, and we will celebrate your achievements and success.


Who is this aimed at?

For children and teenagers, from 11 years up



Live chat, Phone support and WhatsApp Chat is available 24/7



Online and via a helpline





How to get involved

Please visit the Big Deal website for more information


Contact details

National Gambling Helpline: 0808 8020 133

WhatsApp Chat: 020 3031 8881 – (Mobile Only)





For further information

For more information about Big Deal search Big Deal in this directory.


Visit the Big Deal website

Visit the Big Deal Facebook page





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