Aftermath Support is a charitable organisation that provides support to anyone affected by road traffic collision in and around the Northwest of England.
We won’t tell you that we understand what you are going through, but we will offer free, confidential advice and support. This could be information you need, or just a chat. We will listen to you as an individual and attempt to help you solve any problems before they occur.
Support could include:
- Practical help
- Emotional support
- Bespoke informal, supportive conversations to help identify what you may need.
- One to one support from a skilled and experienced case worker
- Information about support groups and other organisations who are also experienced in deal with road traffic collision victims
- Information about other professional or voluntary support networks
- Information on organisations who can give advice on financial matters
You may not want help at the moment, but remember that we are here and you can ask for help at any time in the future.
Aftermath Support is always here for you. You only have to ask.
Have you or a loved one been injured or affected by a road traffic collision?
- We will give you all the information and support you need to help you cope, promote recovery and rehabilitation.
Has a loved one died in a road traffic collision?
- We will guide you through the bereavement process and offer practical help and information so you can choose the best pathway for your needs.
Who is this aimed at?
Anyone affected by road traffic collisions in and around the Northwest of England.
We help and support all victims of road traffic collisions, including:
- Anyone injured, physically or mentally, in the collision
- Families and carers of the injured
- Bereaved families and friends of the victim
We offer support to all, and this includes drivers and witnesses.
Online and via phone
Free service
How to get involved
Call us for support or find support information and resources on our website.
Contact details
Phone: 0845 634 4273 or 0151 777 2562
You can also leave your name and number on our website and request a callback from us.
For further information
For more information about Aftermath Support search Aftermath Support in this directory.
Visit the Aftermath Support website
Visit the Aftermath Support Facebook page