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Wild Colts Girls Sessions – Victoria Colts J.F.C

Victoria Park, Victoria Park Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 6PP

Wild Colts Girls Sessions - Victoria Colts J.F.C

Victoria Colts J.F.C is a Junior Football club on the Wirral. Est 1994. We have 11 teams ranging from U5's development up.


Wild Colts Girls Sessions

Wild Colts (FA Wildcat) Sessions are girls-only football sessions, training leading to teams.


Has your daughter been inspired by the Lionesses? Come down and join us for them to start their own footballing journey.


Who is this aimed at?

Ages 5 to 11






6pm to 7pm



Victoria Park, Victoria Park Road, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 6PP



£3 per session


How to get involved

Message the Victoria Colts J.F.C Facebook to get involved


For further information

For more information on Victoria Colts J.F.C search Victoria Colts J.F.C in this directory.


Visit the Victoria Colts J.F.C website

Visit the Victoria Colts J.F.C Facebook page



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