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Topspin Activity Camps

Birkenhead High School Academy, 86 Devonshire Place, Prenton, CH43 1TY

Topspin Activity Camps


Come rain or shine there is always a huge variety of activities to keep your children entertained.


All Topspin staff are qualified sports coaches with full DBS checks, and are without doubt the friendliest and most enthusiastic people you could hope for. We have years of experience behind us and it is our goal to ensure that your children have the best week possible in a safe and fun environment.

Our reputation has developed over the 30 years Topspin Camps have been running. We are known as the friendliest Activity Camp in the Wirral. Our staff are here to ensure the children’s days are the best they can be. The coaches encourage the children to meet new friends and try sports they have never tried before.


Activities include; swimming, tennis, dancing, football, gymnastics, hockey, trampolining, cricket, arts and crafts, dodgeball, netball, benchball, rounders, mini games and more.


From competitions, challenges and our unique end of day shows, a Topspin Week is the most fun, action packed week of the holidays.


Who is this aimed at?

Children ages 4 to 14 years old



Monday to Friday (during School Holidays, not including Bank Holidays)



Core Camp Hours - 10:00am to 4:00pm 

Wrap Around Care:

Morning Club - 8am to 10am 

After Club - 4pm to 6pm 



Birkenhead High School Academy, 86 Devonshire Place, Prenton, Wirral CH43 1TY



Prices vary for full day, early drop-off, late pick-up and full week.

Childcare vouchers are accepted, and sibling discount is also available, please see our website for details.


How to get involved

To book your place, please Visit the Topspin Activity Camps Booking page on the ClassForKids website

All sporting equipment is provided for the children. You will need to provide lunch and morning snack (Breakfast and afternoon club snacks are provided.)


Contact details

Phone: 07826415143



For further information

For more information about Topspin Activity Camps search Topspin Activity Camps in this directory.


Visit the Topspin Activity Camps website

Visit the Topspin Activity Camps Facebook page



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