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Thorndale Lawn Tennis Club

Thorndale Tennis Club, Wallasey Road, Wallasey, CH44 2AG

Thorndale Lawn Tennis Club

Thorndale Lawn Tennis Club. Wallasey's Competitive and Sociable tennis club for kids and adults.


Thorndale was established as a private tennis club over 100 years ago, and has been a friendly and sociable place ever since. With new clubhouse, courts and floodlights in the last 5 years, we are a great place to play tennis. We have a friendly yet competitive outlook, with many teams in the Wirral Tennis League, and a great social calendar.

With membership at just £120 a year for an adult, we are great value for money to keep fit and have great nights out.


Who is this aimed at?

Open to all



For information on class timetables please visit the Thorndale Lawn Tennis Club website



Thorndale Tennis Club, Wallasey Road, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 2AG



For information on class prices please visit the Thorndale Lawn Tennis Club website


How to get involved

Please visit the Thorndale Lawn Tennis Club website if you would like to join or for more information.


Contact details

Phone: 07791 964342



For further information

For more information about Thorndale Lawn Tennis Club search Thorndale Lawn Tennis Club in this directory.


Visit the Thorndale Lawn Tennis Club

Visit the Thorndale Lawn Tennis Club Facebook page



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