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Spring into Trampolining – Byrne Avenue Baths

Byrne Avenue Baths, CH42 4PQ

Spring into Trampolining - Byrne Avenue Baths

Byrne Avenue Baths have Trampolining lessons on Thursdays. This is for those aged from 6 years old and will be great fun.


The cafe will be open throughout.


Who is this aimed at?

Those aged 6+ 






Age 6+ - 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Age 6+ - 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Age 16+ - 7:30pm to 9pm



Byrne Avenue Baths,  Byrne Avenue, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 4PQ



Aged 6+ - £4.50

Aged 16+ - £6.50


How to get involved

Booking is not necessary but a booking system may be introduced in the future.

For more information call Ben on 07824 453796


Contact details

Phone: 0151 926 0026


Phone Ben: 07824 453796


For further information

For more information about Byrne Avenue Baths search Byrne Avenue Baths in this directory.


Visit the Byrne Avenue Baths website

Visit the Byrne Avenue Baths Facebook page



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