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Singalong @ Jubilee – Jubilee Church

The Jubilee Centre, CH45 0LA

Singalong @ Jubilee - Jubilee Church

Jubilee Church Wirral is a lively, family-friendly Evangelical Church based in Wallasey.


Jubilee Church is a group of men and women who love God and believe that he has called us to be his ambassadors in the Wirral. They welcome all people and all ages.


Singalong @Jubilee is a monthly social session for anyone aged 13+ with learning difficulties and their carers. We choose our favourite songs and have a group sing-a-long. Please join us.


Who is this aimed at?

Anyone aged 13+ with learning difficulties and their carers



Each third Monday of the month



From 7pm 



Jubilee Church, The Jubilee Centre, 12 Hose Side Road, Wallasey, Wirral CH45 0LA



Free entrance


How to get involved

No need to book please just turn up.


Contact details


Phone: 0151 792 8358


For further information 

For more information about the Jubilee Church search Jubilee Church in this directory.


Visit the Jubilee Church website

Visit the Jubilee Church Facebook page

Visit the Jubilee Church Instagram page



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