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Saturday Sparks – Bromborough Evangelical Church

Matheson Memorial Hall, CH62 2DA

Saturday Sparks - Bromborough Evangelical Church

Saturday Sparks is our new monthly family time. Following the amazing response to our Christmas Sparks event, we’ve decided to do it every month. Join us for beautiful seasonal crafts.

Enjoy some light refreshments. We will sing our fun songs and enjoy a lively Bible story. The beauty of the Saturday Sparks family time is that you can join in as a whole family – for free – for a short time on a Saturday morning.


We know that many local parents have strong memories of coming to clubs at Bromborough Evangelical (though many will still know it as Matheson Hall). Why not create new memories for your family? Bring your children to church and rekindle memories of the love of God to you.


Who is this aimed at?

Everyone is welcome - children need to be accompanied please



On the third Saturday of each month please check Facebook for details



10:30am to 12 noon



Bromborough Evangelical Church, Matheson Memorial Hall, Croft Lane, Bromborough CH62 2DA





How to get involved

No need to book, just turn and up and feel welcomed.


Contact details

Phone: 0844 840 0048



For further information

For more information about ' Bromborough Evangelical Church' search 'Bromborough Evangelical Church' in this directory.


Visit the Bromborough Evangelical Church Facebook page

Visit the Bromborough Evangelical Church website





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