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Rhythm Time Wirral

Rhythm Time Wirral

A Rhythm Time class brings passion to music and supports you to enhance your little one’s development.


Every baby, toddler, and pre-schooler is an individual with great potential. We will teach you how to make music fun for your child, and show you how you can help to unlock their potential by singing and making music together.


We are delighted to be running Rhythm Time's award-winning, fun, and multi-sensory music classes for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers across Wirral and the surrounding area. 


Who is this aimed at?

Specific ages - 0 to 6 months, 6 to 13 months, 13 months plus



Times and venues vary, please check our Facebook page for details on locations.

Visit the Rhythmtime Facebook page



Various payment options when booking


Contact details

Phone: Julie on 07444 824 461



For further information

For further information about Rhythm Time search Rhythm Time in this directory.


Visit the Rhythmtime website

Visit the Rhythmtime Facebook page





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