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Reading Sparks – Wirral Libraries

Wallasey Central Library, CH45 5DX

Reading Sparks - Wirral Libraries

Reading Sparks engage children and families with science, technology, engineering and maths through reading. Each box has a book and a number of related STEM activities/experiments you can do with your family.


Choose between Animals, The Moon, Invisible Nature and Simple Machines, borrow the box in the same way you would a book and have fun. Don't forget to pop everything back in the box, fill in the feedback form and let us know what you thought.


Who is this aimed at?

Children aged 8+



Any time, just ask at the counter


Opening Times

Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

9am to 1pm

2pm to 5pm


Tuesday and Thursday

9am to 1pm

2pm to 7pm



West Kirby Library, The Concourse, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 4HX

Wallasey Central Library, Earlston Road, Wallasey, Wirral CH45 5DX



This is free


How to get involved

Pop into the library and enjoy the activities.


Contact details


Phone:  0151 606 2665


For further information

For more information about Wirral Libraries search Wirral Libraries in this directory. 


Visit the Wirral Council website

Visit the Wirral Libraries Facebook page



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