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PLACED Academy

PLACED Academy

The PLACED Academy is a free-to-access, creative programme about the built environment for 14 to 18-year-olds from across the northwest, empowering young people to shape the places we live, work and spend time.


PLACED Academy programmes are designed to increase participants’ self-esteem, break down barriers to professional careers, expose participants to a variety of conventional and non-conventional career routes, and develop a broad range of skills.

Throughout, participants are allowed to work with design teams on live projects, allowing them to have their voices heard in the design of places.


What to expect

  • Participate in creative projects, and develop design, communication, problem-solving and teamworking skills.
  • Grow in confidence and shape future decisions about where you live.
  • Enhance your CV and applications for higher education and work.
  • Learn about careers in the built environment, from architecture to urban design and construction


Who is this aimed at?

The PLACED Academy is open to 14 to 18-year-olds in school years 9, 10, 11 and 12 who live in the northwest of England.

We welcome people of all abilities and backgrounds.



For specific dates Visit The Programme page on the PLACED Academy website



This programme is free to access


How to get involved

Visit the Who Can Apply? page on the PLACED Academy website


Contact details

Phone: 07968 237 280




For further information

For more information about Placed Academy search Placed Academy in this directory.


Visit the PLACED Academy website

Visit the PLACED Academy Facebook page





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