You can book the Sports Hall or the Old Laundry at Byrne Avenue Baths for parties and events. Food and a bouncy castle are also available. Please enquire for details.
Who is this aimed at?
Everyone is welcome to book
Byrne Avenue Baths, Byrne Avenue, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 4PQ
Party Bookings 2 hours hire including squash for the children
Old Laundry room - £55
Sports Hall - £75
Bouncy castle hire - £45
Bookings for Individuals
Old Laundry room - £25
Sports Hall - £35
How to get involved
If you would like to make a booking, contact us by email
Contact details
Phone: 0151 926 0026
For further information
For more information about Byrne Avenue Baths search Byrne Avenue Baths in this directory.
Visit the Byrne Avenue Baths website
Visit the Byrne Baths Facebook page