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Off The Ground Theatre

Calday Grange Grammar School, Grammar School Lane, West Kirby, CH48 8GG

Off The Ground Theatre

Off the Ground (OTG) was formed with the aim of producing quality theatre which is accessible to all. We now produce up to ten productions a year, including youth theatre shows, open air-theatre and touring productions. We have an extensive workshop programme which covers everything from Shakespeare to stage combat.

Off the Ground Theatre believes in giving as many people as possible the opportunity to partake in theatre.  All our tours operate a strong youth policy which means employing young professionals and, in some cases, working with professionals and amateurs. We aim to provide training to those who wish to expand their skill-base, employment to those embarking on a career, and a fine evening's entertainment to those who want a night out.

Older members of the youth theatre have the opportunity to audition for Off the Ground Theatre’s international tours.  The 2019 summer’s production of A Midsummer Night's Dream toured Northwest England, North Wales and Ireland and featured seven members or ex-members of the youth theatre.

All of our members are allowed to become involved in all aspects of theatre work. 


OTG offers more than any other local youth theatre. So if you’re just a beginner or keen to make a career, let us help you get off the ground.


Off the Ground Youth Theatre is taught on a term-by-term basis, following traditional academic terms of Autumn, Spring and Summer. We have three groups, separated by age/academic year. Each group meets once per week at the drama studio at Calday Grange Grammar School. Here, they will work on practitioners or styles of theatre, workshopping and learning new techniques, or will rehearse toward current productions.


Who is this aimed at?

All are welcome



Please see our website or Facebook for details



Calday Grange Grammar School, Grammar School Lane, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 8GG



Please enquire for details


How to get involved

If you’re interested in joining Off the Ground Youth Theatre we currently have spaces available for all of our groups. Just come along on the night to the group most appropriate to your age group, the first session is completely free.


Contact details

Phone: 0151 625 2929



For further information

For more information about Off the Ground Theatre search Off the Ground Theatre in this directory. 


Visit the Off the Ground Theatre website

Visit the Off the Ground Theatre Facebook page



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