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Mosh Tots – Future Yard

Future Yard, 75 Argyle Street, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 6AB

Mosh Tots - Future Yard

Mosh Tots is our brand new series of gigs for kids (and  well - behaved parents!), here to introduce kids to the  rockin’ world of live music in a safe and fun  environment. We believe that live music should be for  everyone, no matter your age.

For too long, live music venues have been off limits for young children (not to mention their parents); Mosh Tots is going to flip that on its head and is an opportunity to share the joy of live music together as a family.

Each week at Mosh Tots we focus on a different theme or musical idea. That may be melody, rhythm, dynamics or harmony. It could be an exploration of the drums, bass, guitar effects or special instruments. We even have plans for super special guests! We will be learning and experiencing something new every week, so no two Mosh Tots performances are exactly the same.


Who is this aimed at?

Open to all



Sunday mornings



Future Yard, 75 Argyle Street, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 6AB



11am start 



Cost varies depending on the Tier you opt for. From £7 to £16 per child.


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Mosh Tots search Mosh Tots in this directory.


Visit the Mosh Tots page on  the Future Yard Website





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