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Merseyside Taekwondo at St Stephen’s Church Hall

Merseyside Taekwondo at St Stephen's Church Hall

Please join us for Taekwondo sessions at St Stephen's Church Hall in Prenton on Thursdays.

We train mixed adult, junior and family group classes.


Beginning TKD and commitment from students by law, students must obtain personal insurance. However, the first lesson is free. The uniform can be purchased at a later date when the student is sure of their commitment. Unless previously agreed, students need to attend twice per week if they wish to advance at a reasonable pace.

TKD is a great all-round martial art. We practice sparring, kicking and punching on bags and step sparring for self-defence.

This training will build focus, self-confidence, physical fitness and self-discipline.


Who is this aimed at?

All are welcome






6pm to 7pm - Juniors/ Family Class

7pm to 8pm - From aged 14+ 



St Stephen's Church Hall, 11 Prenton Lane, Prenton, Wirral CH42 8LA



Please get in touch with the service for details 


How to get involved

Please contact Stuart Booth by phone, email or on Facebook for details


Contact details

Phone: 07828 696850



For further information

For more information about Merseyside Taekwondo search Merseyside Taekwondo in this directory.


Visit Merseyside Taekwondo website

Visit the Merseyside Taekwondo Facebook page



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