We are part of the Church of England and committed to proclaiming afresh in each generation the fantastic good news of Jesus found in God’s word, the bible.
Little Seeds Baby and Toddler Group
Come along on Fridays during term time for toys, crafts, Bible Stories, nursery rhymes and homemade cakes for our Little Seeds Baby and Toddler group.
Who is this aimed at?
All little ones are welcome
Fridays during term time
9:30am to 11:30am
St Stephen’s Church, 11 Prenton Lane, Wirral CH42 8LA
£2 per family
How to get involved
No need to book, please come along
Contact details
Phone: 0151 608 1808
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St Stephen's Church, 11 Prenton Lane, Wirral CH42 8LA
0151 608 1808