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Life Youth Hub

Life Church Bebington, 1a Old Chester Road, Bebington, CH63 7LA

Life Youth Hub

Life Youth Hub is an after-school drop-in youth provision for young people in Years 7 to 11. It primarily attracts young people from secondary schools in the Bebington area, but not exclusively.


The Hub offers young people a safe space where they can meet their friends, play games, enjoy a free snack and access informal support from experienced Youth Workers.

The Youth Hub works closely with neighbouring secondary schools and their primary feeder schools. The staff team also offers weekly 1:1 mentoring programmes for young people within two local secondary schools.

The Youth Hub is situated within the Life Church building but is run as a distinct non-religious organisation.


Who is this aimed at?

Young people in Years 7 - 11 from secondary schools local to the Bebington area

Young people accessing our in-school mentoring programme are referred by School Pastoral Leads



The Hub operates open sessions where young people can come and go as they please



The Hub is open 3pm to 5pm on  Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during term time



Life Church Bebington, 1a Old Chester Road, Bebington, Wirral CH63 7LA (above the shops opposite Bebington Station)

The Youth Hub is accessed via the back steps from the carpark to the side of the church.



Entrance Free
Snacks Free
Milkshakes and tuck are available to purchase

First-time attendees can claim a free milkshake, as can anyone bringing a friend for the first time


How to get involved

Just turn up

The young person will be asked to sign into our secure database for safeguarding purposes, giving home address and contact details for parent/guardian


Contact details




For further information

For more information about the Life Youth Hub search Life Youth Hub in this directory.


Visit the Life Youth Club Instagram page



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