Welcome to Trinity with Palm Grove Church. Trinity with Palm Grove Church was one of the first local Ecumenical Projects in the country, forming in 1977, a union of Palm Grove Methodist and Trinity URC. These two congregations came together in faith, and a great deal has been accomplished as a result. Having celebrated our 150th anniversary, we have a renewed sense of mission and outreach.
Lego Club
We would like to invite all up to Year 6 and their parents and carers to Lego Club - a monthly (during term time) fun activity session with Lego, Bible stories, more Lego and challenges with snacks and drinks.
Who is this aimed at?
All up to Year 6 and their parents and carers
Once a month on Thursday (during term time)
Please enquire for the time
63 Alton Road, Oxton, Birkenhead, Wirral CH43 1UZ
How to get involved
No need to book, please come along
Contact details
Phone: 0151 652 2154
Email: suephillips88@gmail.com
For further information
For more information about Trinity with Palm Grove Church search Trinity with Palm Grove Church in this directory.
Visit the Trinity with Palm Grove website
Visit the Trinity with Palm Grove Facebook page