We are an inclusive family-friendly church seeking to serve our local community. We offer a warm welcome to all who come through the doors.
Jigsaw - Messy Church
This is a family event for children of all ages. There are various activities including painting, crafts and the always popular Hama beads. We have a break with toast and drinks and then end with a Bible story. Everyone is welcome. No need to book just come along.
Please check Facebook for dates.
Who is this aimed at?
All are welcome
It is on a Thursday morning once during school holidays and half term. For details see Facebook.
10am to 11:30am
10 Glenavon Road, Prenton, Birkenhead, Wirral CH43 0RE
Please enquire for details
How to get involved
No need to book please come along
Contact details
Phone: 0151 608 8367
Email: prentonmethodistchurch@talktalk.net
For further information
For more information about Prenton Methodist Church, Prenton search Prenton Methodist Church, Prenton in this directory.
Visit the Prenton Methodist Church website
Visit the Prenton Methodist Church Facebook page