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Gateway Tots – Gateway Church, Birkenhead

Woodchurch Rd, CH41 2UF

Gateway Tots - Gateway Church, Birkenhead

Gateway Church Wirral is a vibrant, friendly, family church which aims to serve the community.

We are holding a safe and fun environment for 0 to 4 year olds called Gateway Tots each Friday during term time


Who is this aimed at?

Everyone is welcome



Fridays during term time



9am to 11am 



The Gateway Church, Woodchurch Road, Woodchurch, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 2UF



Adults £1, Child 50p, Under 1’s free

Refreshments - Bacon butty, toast, drinks and fruit included 


How to get involved

No need to book, please come along


Contact details

Phone: 07867 988230



For further information

For more information about Gateway Church search Gateway Church in this directory


Visit the Gateway Church website

Visit the Gateway Church Wirral Facebook page




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