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Freescape Music Project CIC


Freescape Music Project offers free access to music lessons and music making activities. We are dedicated to using music as a transformative tool for children and young people.

By creating safe spaces through music, we enable children and young people to learn, build relationships, foster community, and enhance their self-confidence and belief.

Our engagement with local schools has highlighted the challenges posed by the cost-of-living crisis, which limits access to music lessons and activities. We aim to address this issue directly.

Our projects offer free, high-quality music activities, ensuring that every child and young person can experience the profound and positive effects of music.

We believe that music can change lives, and we are committed to making this vision a reality for all young people in our community.


Who is this aimed at?

Our Projects are aimed at all children aged 7 to 16 years old.

Specifically (but not exclusively) they are for children from low-income families or facing socioeconomic challenges.



Ferries Family Group

Monday:  7 to 11yrs 4pm to 4:45pm and 11-16 yrs 5pm to 5:45pm


Neo Community

Tuesday: 4:30pm to 6:30pm


St James Centre

Wednesday: 4pm to 5pm



Ferries Family Groups, 330-334 New Chester Rd, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 1LE

Neo Community, Beaconsfield Community House, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 3YN

St James Centre, 344 Laird St, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 7AL





How to get involved

Please contact us for booking onto one of our projects and we will put you in touch with our partner organisations.


Contact details

General Enquiries



Project Enquiries



For further information

For more information about Freescape Music Project CIC search Freescape Music Project CIC in this directory.


Visit the Freescape Music Project CIC Facebook page

Visit the Freescape Music Project CIC Instagram





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