Celestial Events organise small local events like Craft Fairs and Farmers Markets.
Craft and Gift Fair
Everyone is welcome, come along and get ready to discover an abundance of delightful goodies at our markets.
Look forward to our themed fairs, with our Summer, Blue Moon, Harvest Moon, Halloween, Christmas fairs and more.
Who is this aimed at?
Open to all
Every 3rd Saturday of the month
10am to 2pm
Heswall Hall, 111 Telegraph, Road Heswall, Wirral CH60 0AF
Free entry
Individual costs for various stalls
How to get involved
Just come along
Jo - 07597919463
Wai San - 07900254056
Email: celestialevents22@gmail.com
Further Information
For more information about Celestial Events search Celestial Events in this directory.
Visit the Celestial Events Facebook page