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Community Afternoon Tea – Crea8ing Community

Crea8ing Community in the building attached to Hillside School, Ridgeview Road, Noctorum, CH43 9HG

Community Afternoon Tea - Crea8ing Community

Working as a non-profit social enterprise, our primary aim is to support positive mental health through the delivery of well-being and resilience building workshops and courses for families and young people, along with career and employability guidance; supporting the development of the necessary transferable skills to secure future employment. We empower individuals to build their foundations for the future.


Community Afternoon Tea

Each Friday afternoon we are holding a community afternoon tea for anybody to drop in and enjoy from 2pm to 5pm. Please come and join us.


Who is this aimed at?

This is open to everybody



Friday afternoons



2pm to 5pm



Crea8ing Community in the building attached to Hillside School, Ridgeview Road, Noctorum, Wirral CH43 9HG



This activity is free


How to get involved

No need to book please come along and enjoy a cuppa and some food


Contact details

Phone: 0151 345 5836 



For further information

For more information about Crea8ing Community search Crea8ing Community in this directory.


Visit the Crea8ing Community website

Visit the Crea8ing Community Facebook page


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