All our groups are run by dedicated teams of leaders who have been police checked under the CRB/DBS schemes. If you have any questions about child protection and how we look after your children, please get in touch.
Sunday Mornings
Little Acorns and Rock Solid are the groups which happen during our morning service. We spend time finding out about a part of the Bible - often it's the same thing that the adults are finding out about in church - and we have time to play games, make crafty things and pray for ourselves and the world about us.
- Little Acorns is for ages 3 to school age year 2, (30-36 month olds are welcome if accompanied by an adult).
- Rock Solid is for school years 3 to 6.
- Pathfinders is for school years 7 to 11.
We don't mind a bit of noise from little ones, but if you would like to give them space to roam around, then a crèche space is available for parents to take their 0-2s into during the service. There are a few toys and books to keep them entertained.
Explore is a group for children in primary school (F2 to year 6). We meet from 5:45pm to 7pm on Tuesdays during term time for fun, games and to explore the Bible together.
Year 5 to Year 9's Youth Group
This group runs for school years 5 to 9 with games. activities, Bible stories and snacks- term time only. The group meets from 5:30pm to 6:45pm
We have a group on Friday nights run bi-weekly during term time for those who are years 10 to 13. Each week we look at passages from the Bible, discuss what it means and how it should impact our lives and pray together. The group meets from 7pm to 8pm
Who is this aimed at?
This is aimed at children and young people
This is available throughout the week. Visit the St Catherine's Church Tranmere website for the full schedule.
St Catherine's Church, Church Road, Tranmere, Wirral, CH42 0LQ
Enquire with the provider for cost details
How to get involved
Please email or call for more details
Contact details
Phone: 0151 652 7379
For further information
For more information about St Catherine's Church search St Catherine's Church in this directory.
Visit the St Catherine's Church Tranmere website