Ulverscroft are a publisher that distributes largeprint books and unabridged audiobooks to libraries worldwide.
Our Mission - Our mission is to make reading accessible for as many people as possible for as long possible.
Our Values - The backbone of our company is, and always has been, a commitment to a set of core values that define who we are and how we run our business. When we live our values every day and use them to make decisions - big and small – we define Ulverscroft as a brand our people, and the people we serve, can trust.
uLibrary provides a secure and reliable app for library patrons, ensuring a secure, smooth space to browse, borrow, and return eBooks and eAudiobooks.
Book Clubs
We understand the importance of finding the right audiobook which is why we’ve developed a world’s first to help kick off your audio adventures – the first global audiobook club.
Talking Books Book Club
Talking Books Book Club is uLibrary’s dedicated book club for adult. A world first, Talking Books allows adults to enjoy the same audiobook at the same time and discuss it not only with members of their own library, but with Talking Books members around the world.
Visit the Talking Books Book Club website
Visit the Talking Books Book Club Facebook group
Bookworms Book Club
Bookworms Book Club is uLibrary’s dedicated book club for younger listeners. A world first, Bookworms allows children to enjoy the same audiobook at the same time and discuss it not only with members of their own library, but with Bookworms members around the world.
Visit the Bookworms Book Club website
Visit the Bookworms Book Club Facebook website
How Does It Work?
Every month a new great (adult or children’s) audiobook will be added to your local library’s uLibrary Book Clubs tab for you to listen to and discuss for one month. To help build conversation about our monthly audiobooks we’ve created a toolkit for each title that includes a reading guide and promotional items like social media tiles and posters to get the word out about any local events.
Who is this aimed at?
This is aimed at everyone, to make reading accessible to as many people as possible
Resources available 24/7
The uLibrary app is free to install with all the featured digital content from your library free to access with a valid library card. There are no subscription costs, no in-app purchases and no late fees
How to get involved
If you have any enquiries, please feel free to email us.
To find out more about uLibrary please Visit the uLibrary website
Contact details
General Enquiries
Phone: 0116 236 4325
Email: marketing@ulverscroft.co.uk
Customer Service Enquiries
Email: customerservices@ulverscroft.co.uk
For further information
For more information about Ulverscroft search Ulverscroft in this directory.
Visit the Ulverscroft Group website
Visit the Ulverscroft Facebook page