We are a diverse and inclusive family and bookshop: we hope that the books stocked reflect the amazing diversity we celebrate in our world, neurodiversity, gender diversity, LGBT and cultural diversity.
Bear Hunt Books and Toys has books for children of all ages from babies to teens and young adults, as well as a selection of toys in our shop in Bebington, Wirral.
Book Club
We are starting a new after-school club for children, we will have stories, crafts and juice and biscuits.
Children who enjoy reading receive a truly amazing number of benefits from better mental health and wellbeing, they do better at school and can you believe readers live longer.
It is with this in mind that we are running this club. No other activity is as good for us as enjoying a lovely story.
Families can arrive from 3:30pm for activities and crafts, storytime and questions will be at 4:30pm.
Who is this aimed at?
Everyone is welcome
3:30pm to 5pm
Bear Hunt Books and Toys Limited, Unit 1, 2A Church Road, Bebington, Wirral CH63 7PH
£5 +60p booking fee per child
How to get involved
Visit the TicketTailor Booking page on the Bear Hunt Books website
Contact details
Phone: 0151 440 2662
Email: michelle@bearhuntbooks.co.uk
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