During term-time, we run a range of midweek groups for little ones and their grownups throughout the week, in the Parish Church Building of St Mary's in Upton.
Come and join us for a session suitable for babies aged 0 to 12 months to bring their grown-ups (older siblings of little ones are also welcome and there will be a few toys out for them). There will be toys to play with, nursery rhymes to sing along to, and a friendly welcoming environment, complete with refreshments for grown-ups.
Tea and coffee are available for grown-ups, and little ones’ cups can be refilled as needed.
Who is this aimed at?
Babies and their grown-ups
Wednesday mornings during term-time
10:45am to 12 noon
St Mary's Church, 2 Church Road, Upton, Wirral CH49 6JZ
How to get involved
No need to book, please come along
Contact details
Phone: 0151 677 1186
Email: cyp@stm-upton.org.uk
For further information
For more information on St Mary's Church, Upton search St Mary's Church, Upton in this directory.
Visit the St Mary's Church website
Visit the St Mary's Church Upton Facebook page