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4th Heswall Sea Scouts

The Lighthouse Hall, Parish of Heswall, Pye Road, Heswall, Wirral, CH60 0AJ

4th Heswall Sea Scouts

Every week boys and girls aged 4 to 18 across five sections, Squirrel Scouts, Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Sea Scouts, and Young Leaders take part in adventurous activities, learn skills for life and most importantly have a great time with 4th Heswall.


Our Scout Troops consist of a Port Watch and a Starboard Watch, each watch is then split into three patrols.


Outdoor activities feature prominently, with the highlight being our annual week long summer camp on the shores of Windermere. Throughout the year, in addition to sailing, kayaking and powerboating, our Scouts learn various skills, such as map reading, navigation, camp cooking and first aid in preparation for the many camp and district challenge events.


Who is this aimed at?

Ages 10 to 14



Wednesdays and Thursdays



Wednesdays: 7:3pm to 9pm

Thursdays: 7:40pm to 9:10pm



Wednesdays: St Peter's Centre, Village Rd, Heswall, Wirral CH60 0DZ

Thursdays: The Lighthouse Hall, Parish of Heswall, Pye Road, Heswall, Wirral CH60 0AJ



£30 a term, prices may vary


How to get involved

Visit the Join Us page on the Heswall Sea Scouts website


Contact details



For further information

For more information on 4th Heswall Sea Scouts search 4th Heswall Sea Scouts in this directory.


Visit the 4th Heswall Sea Scouts website

Visit the 4th Heswall Sea Scouts Facebook page



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