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Person Centred Plans – Tailored Yarn


Tailored Yarn brings comfort and healing to bereaved families through stories and artwork that preserves memories to guide them through grieving. Tailored Yarn wants to work collaboratively with local authors to deliver creative writing and illustration workshops in schools, libraries and the community to ease the pain of grief and promote healing and resiliency to young people under ten.
Person Centred Plans
Fully funded person-centred plans are offered from tailored yarn. (funded by family toolbox) These are available for adopted or care leavers or disabled young people aged between 16 to 20 years old.
The plans are created with the young person and their chosen support network to reflect on what has been. achieved so far in their lives and what are their next steps into independence and adulthood. Looking how their support network can support and enable them in their next steps.


Who is this aimed at?

Care/leaver/adopted or disabled young people aged between 16 and 20 years old



Make an enquiry and dates will be discussed. There is a short waiting time for first applicants



The hours are flexible. The plans themselves take around 5 hours to complete with three of those being direct hours with the young person and their support network






Our services are fully funded so free of charge


How to get involved

To get involved please contact Laura and she will be happy to give you more information.


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For further information

For more information about Tailored Yarn search Tailored Yarn in this directory.


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