Cool Youth are a group of young people looking to make a change in Wirral’s local environment, YOUR local environment. Done through creative, organised, planned events and workshops by the group.
If you feel that this is your passion please join us.
Wirral’s Climate Comeback
Wirral’s Cool Youth Group will be taking over Wallasey Town Hall on Wednesday 25th June 2025, the date of World Decarbonisation Day. The event is designed by young people for young people, with workshops and stalls from local organisations.
Do you have an interest in the environment?
Do you want a day looking at Wirral’s Green future?
Would you like to have a green job?
Would you like to learn more about your local environment?
Do you want to make a green change in your area?
If yes, to any of these questions, then come down to the Wirral’s Climate Comeback event.
Learn about green jobs, the local environment, and how to make positive changes in our area. Other topics will include:
- Green spaces
- Renewable energy
- Transport
- Health
- Education
- Outdoor accessibility
- Disability and the environment
- Decarbonisation
The day will consist of a variety of workshops, as well as a mix of stalls from local organisations.
This even is designed by young people, for young people. We look forward to seeing you there.
Who is this aimed at?
Designed by young people, for young people aged from 8 to 19 years and up to 25 for those who are SEND/CLA
Wednesday 25th June 2025
9am to 3:15pm or 5pm to 8pm
Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED
Free to attend
How to get involved
If you are interested in coming along, please contact us via email.
Please also email if you or your organisation would like to support the event, provide a stall or run a workshop.
Contact details
For further information
For more information about Creative Youth Development search Creative Youth Development in this directory.
Visit the Cool Wirral page on the Wirral Council website
Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED
0151 666 3706