Our purpose – Enable great youth work to happen by setting the standards, growing the capacity and building the case to improve the quality and quantity of youth work in England.
Our mission – Enable more people to deliver great youth work.
Our vision – A world where every young person can access youth work.
Every day, youth workers across the country transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people.
The National Youth Agency is the Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) for youth work in England. We are committed to enabling high quality youth work across a range of settings to benefit the health and outcomes of young people and strengthen local communities.
Youth Work changes lives – Which is why we’re committed to ensuring that as many young people as possible get to benefit from it.
As the national body for youth work in England, the National Youth Agency (NYA) exists to champion its transformative power. We believe all young people should have the opportunity to benefit from the life-changing impact of extraordinary youth workers and trained volunteers, and we exist to champion the transformative power of youth work.
NYA supports the youth work sector through providing guidance, resources and training to improve the quality of practice. We bring together practitioners to share learning and inform our work. We also build the evidence base to enable policy makers and funders understand the impact of youth work on young people’s outcomes.
Guidance and resources
We support youth workers to deliver great youth work through the publication of a range of standards and frameworks, which helps those commissioning or delivering youth work to ensure their services respond to local need, meet legal and regulatory requirements, and embed best practice approaches.
Qualifications and training
We promote and accredit youth work courses offered by the higher education and training sectors. We also promote continuous professional development through the administration of the government’s bursary funding and delivery of a range of free CPD and peer learning opportunities.
Policy and research
We carry out research to build the evidence base which informs policy makers, commissioners and practitioners about the vital contribution youth work makes to supporting better outcomes for young people and building stronger communities.
Who is this aimed at?
Open to all
Online information
Free to access
How to get involved
We organise a range of free events and learning opportunities online and in the real world.
Our events bring together expert practitioners, academics, and thought leaders to provide fresh insights on youth work practice and respond to the ever-changing needs of young people. Please see our website for details of upcoming events.
Contact details
Phone: 0116 242 7350
Email: nya@nya.org.uk
For further information
For more information about National Youth Agency search National Youth Agency in this directory.
Visit the National Youth Agency website
Visit the National Youth Agency Facebook page