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3rd Heswall Scout Group

Marksway, Pensby, Wirral CH61 9PB

3rd Heswall Scout Group are a busy and thriving scout group based in Marksway in Pensby. We have 3 sections, beavers, cubs and scouts. We are sponsored by Our Lady and St John’s church in Heswall and Holy Family church in Pensby.


We are a community organisation and a registered charity, we are run entirely by volunteers and rely on contributions and donations from our community and sponsors. We are part of the West Wirral District Scouts, which is a member of Merseyside County Scouts.


Scouts are do-ers and give-it-a-go-ers, and it’s for everyone. We go camping, hiking, swimming, abseiling, cycling and canoeing. We make friends, have fun, play games, and work in teams.


Who is this aimed at?

For young boys and girls aged 10.5 to 14 who are up for the challenge



Monday nights



7:15pm to 8:15pm



Marksway, Pensby, Wirral CH61 9PB



Please enquire with 3rd Heswall Scout Group for prices


How to get involved

If you would like more information or even fancy coming down a trying out a night or two, please via our Facebook page or the contact form on the website. If you are interested in joining visit the Join page on the website and fill in the form


Contact details

You can contact us via the Contact Form on the website or message on the Facebook page


For further information

For more information about 3rd Heswall Scout Group search 3rd Heswall Scout Group in this directory.


Visit the 3rd Heswall Scout Group website

Visit the 3rd Heswall Scout Group Facebook page



Marksway, Pensby, Wirral CH61 9PB


Quick contact

Marksway, Pensby, Wirral CH61 9PB

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