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International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM UK)

The International Association of Infant Massage is a global organisation and the world-class standard for the training and teaching of baby massage.

The IAIM honour the origins and cultrual heritage of infant massage on each training course.


Our baby massage programme is well respected, well researched and has been endorsed to be a high quality parent education programme. On an IAIM baby massage course you will learn:

  • Massage strokes
  • A short colic routine
  • Gentle movements and touch relaxation
  • How to identify the best time for massage
  • What massage oils to use
  • How to adapt your strokes for the needs of a growing child

Our baby massage courses offer a wonderful opportunity for you to learn how to communicate with your baby through nurturing touch and massage in a relaxed and welcoming environment. Our instructors deliver the most comprehensive courses currently available in the UK.


Who is this aimed at?

For parents and their babies



The IAIM Office is open for enquiries during the following hours:

TuesdayWednesday and Thursday – 9:30am to 2:30pm



For information on local classes or Instructors, please visit our Find a Class page



Please enquire with your local service for the cost


How to get involved

For information on local classes or Instructors, please visit our Find a Class page


Contact details

Phone: 020 8989 9597

or leave a message on the contact form on the IAIM UK website


For further information

For more information about IAIM UK search IAIM UK in this directory.


Visit the IAIM UK website

Visit the IAIM UK Chapter Facebook group



020 8989 9597


Quick contact

020 8989 9597

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