The parish caters for young people through the Scout and Guide associations.
Guides are for girls only from 5 years old to 13 years old and can continue beyond through district Ranger Guide activities. These groups include Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.
All groups meet at Emmanuel Church Hall.
Who is this aimed at?
Girls only from 5 years to 13 years old
Rainbows – age 5 to 6 years old – 5pm
Brownies – age 7 to 10 years old – 6pm
Guides – age 10 to 13 years old – 7:30pm
Emmanuel Church, 158 Seabank Road, New Brighton, Wirral CH45 1HG
Please enquire with the service for the price
How to get involved
For more information about this group please call or email
Contact details
Rainbows phone Gill on 0151 630 3011
Brownies phone Kate on 07599 043601
Guides phone Sarah on 07805 098007
For further information
For more information about Emmanuel Church search Emmanuel Church in this directory.
Visit the St James with Emmanuel website
Emmanuel Church, 158 Seabank Road, New Brighton, Wirral CH45 1HG