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Free Money and Work Health Checks – Maternity Action


Free Money and Work Health Checks - Maternity Action

Maternity Action can support you if you are experiencing challenges at work during pregnancy or on maternity leave. We can check that you are getting all the support that you are entitled to.


Free Money and Work Health Checks

We have launched a dedicated Maternity Rights Advice Service for women and families across the Cheshire and Merseyside region.

The service provides free and confidential advice on rights at work and maternity pay and benefits for pregnant women and new parents who are living, working or booked for maternity care in the Cheshire and Merseyside region.

  • Have you just found out that you are pregnant and want to know what your rights are at work?
  • Wondering which benefits you could claim while you are pregnant or once your baby is born?
  • Do you think that you are being discriminated against at work because of your pregnancy or because you have been on maternity leave?
  • Not sure if you can get any maternity pay?


Calls to our advice lines are free from UK landlines and mobile phones and do not appear on itemised bills.


Who is this aimed at?

Pregnant women and new parents in Cheshire and Merseyside



Monday to Friday



10am to 1pm



Online and by phone





How to get involved

Phone us on the freephone number or our Email advice service is provided through our online contact form.

Visit the Cheshire and Merseyside Online Contact Form on the Maternity Action website

Please use our online contact form for any advice queries. If you have a general question about the project or would like to find out more, you can email us directly.

Visit the Cheshire and Merseyside Maternity Rights page on the Maternity Action website


Contact details

Cheshire and Merseyside Maternity Rights

Phone: 0808 802 0062



General Enquiries

Phone: 020 7253 2288



For further information

For more information about Maternity Action search Maternity Action in this directory.


Visit the Maternity Action website

Visit the Maternity Action Facebook page


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