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Sunflowers Service – RASA Merseyside

First Floor, Atlantic House, 18-22 Hamilton Street, Birkenhead, CH41 1AL

Sunflowers Service - RASA Merseyside

RASA Merseyside is a professional counselling and support service that exists solely to improve the mental well-being of individuals impacted by sexual violence at some point in their lives.


Sunflowers Service

The sunflowers project works with children and young people who have been directly or indirectly impacted by sexual abuse. Our service works with children and young people between the ages of 6-18 years. However, when referrals for younger children are made, at times it may be deemed more appropriate to complete work with the main caregiver, rather than the child. 


Once the Sunflowers Project has received a referral, we will look to complete an initial phone assessment. This phone assessment is to gain a brief overview of the child’s current situation and to explore both risk and protective factors. This initial assessment will also establish which strand of support will be most beneficial for the child. After the initial telephone assessment, the child will either be offered Children's Sexual Violence Advisor support (CHISVA) or counselling.


Who is this aimed at?

For children and young people who have been directly or indirectly impacted by sexual abuse



Monday to Friday



9am to 5pm



First Floor, Atlantic House, 18-22 Hamilton Street, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 1AL





How to get involved

Please contact us or visit the RASA Merseyside website or Facebook page for help and information.


Contact details

Rape Crisis National Helpline: 0808 802 9999



General enquiries

Phone: 0151 650 0155



For further information

For more information on RASA Merseyside search RASA Merseyside in this directory.


Visit the RASA Merseyside website

Visit the RASA Merseyside Facebook page


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