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Senior Zone – The Hive

The Hive, CH41 4EA

Senior Zone - The Hive

If you think that The Hive might be the place for you, then becoming a member of our Youth Zone is incredibly good value.

Wirral Youth Zone is a state of the art youth hub in the heart of town - a place where you can make new friends, take part in activities, chill out, play sports or try something new.

Senior Zone is the best place to hang out if you're aged 13 to 19. The Youth Zone plays host to an unbeatable mix of sports, creative and performing arts, enterprise and chill out activities with something for everyone and at only 50p per session. With over 20 activites every session, there are also regular theme party nights, roller discos, special events and tournaments on offer.


Who is this aimed at?

For young people aged 13 to 19



Thursdays and Fridays



Thursdays 4pm to 9pm

Fridays 4pm to 10pm



The Hive, Wirral Youth Zone, Bright Street, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 4EA



£5 annual membership, 50p per session


How to get involved

Book your session on the Hive website


Contact details

Phone: 0151 705 8000



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