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We give young people, from 8 to age 21, access to free 1-1 counselling sessions. No wait times and available nationally, Stop.Breathe.Think provides vital support to those who need it right now.


We founded Stop.Breathe.Think in November 2020, in response to the mental health pandemic amongst children and young people. We knew we could offer accessible support at the level and speed that was needed.  


We know it is not always easy to ask for help – besides the wait times and costs, the barriers of going to see a professional or overcome stigma are real. With Stop.Breathe.Think young people, parents and professionals can reach out at the touch of a button.


This is why Stop.Breathe.Think – delivering online counselling nationally with no wait times – continues to be game-changing and vital to those who need support right now.


Who is this aimed at?

Young people between 8 and 21 years of age



Monday to Friday



This is a virtual service. All counselling is done via phone, text or video call.





How to get involved

Please email for more details and support or visit the Support page on the Stop.Breathe.Think website


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Stop.Breathe.Think search Stop.Breathe.Think in this directory. 


Visit the Stop.Breathe.Think. website

Visit the Stop.Breathe.Think. Facebook page



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