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Little Stars – St Peter’s Church, Rock Ferry

St Peter's Church, St Peter's Road,, CH42 1PY

Little Stars - St Peter's Church, Rock Ferry

Little Stars is a parent and toddler group that meets at St Peter's in Rock Ferry for craft, play, story time, and tea and toast.


The group aims to give children the opportunity to play and learn in a safe environment. In order to maintain this we ask that you stay with your child/children throughout the session.


Who is this aimed at?

Everyone is welcome



Wednesday mornings during term time



9:30am to 11am



St Peter's Church, St Peter's Road, Rock Ferry, Wirral, CH42 1PY



Low community cost


How to get involved

No need to book, please come along


Contact details

Phone: 0151 643 1042

Phone: 07450 037949


For further information

For more information about St Peter's Church, Rock Ferry search St Peter's Church, Rock Ferry in this directory.


Visit St. Peter's Rock Ferry Facebook page


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