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The Shop – Byrne Avenue Baths

Byrne Avenue Baths, CH42 4PQ

The Shop - Byrne Avenue Baths

Byrne Avenue Baths are being restored and run by Byrne Avenue Trust. We are a non-profit, meaning that all funds are used to either run the Baths, restore and maintain the Baths or put on activities and events for our local community.


The Shop

Please come along and support our social supermarket - The Shop. We are open each Thursday and will add more hours in September (including Saturday) as we build our bank of volunteers.

Everyone is welcome. Look out for the special offers each week too.


Who is this aimed at?

Everyone is welcome



Tuesdays and Thursdays



3:30pm to 6pm



Byrne Avenue Baths, Byrne Avenue, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 4PQ



Low community cost


How to get involved

No need to book, please come along


Contact details

Phone: 0151 926 0026



For further information

For more information about Byrne Avenue Baths search Byrne Avenue Baths in this directory.


Visit the Byrne Baths Facebook page

Visit the Byrne Avenue Baths website



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