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Make Your Mind A Priority – Community Capacity Builders

Park Grand Entrance South, CH41 4HD

Make Your Mind A Priority - Community Capacity Builders

We deliver a range of structured and meaningful projects to improve vulnerable children and adults quality of life and the communities that they live in. Community Capacity Builders CIC was established to meet the needs of the growing number of communities and organisations that lacked the skills, delivery, experience and expertise to develop and grow.


Make Your Mind A Priority - Community Capacity Builders

Are you struggling to access mental health care and support?

Are you stuck on a long-term waiting list for therapy?

We offer heavily discounted therapy sessions with fully qualified, BACP registered and experienced therapists for those not in receipt of any state benefit to help children and adults quickly and easily access affordable and quality mental health care.


Who is this aimed at?

This is aimed at vulnerable children and adults.



Enquire with the provider about the cost of this


How to get involved

Visit the Community Capacity Builders CIC website to get involved with this service.


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Community Capacity Builders CIC search Community Capacity Builders CIC in this directory.


Visit the Community Capacity Builders CIC website

Visit the Community Capacity Builders CIC Facebook page


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