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Greasby Community Association

The Greasby Centre, Greasby Road, Greasby, CH49 3AT

Greasby Community Association

Greasby Community Association is a registered charity set up to run the Greasby Centre. The Association also works together with many local people to make Greasby a better place to live and work.


Greasby Community Association is involved with the following community spaces and projects:


  • The Greasby Centre (formerly “Greasby Community Centre“) is at the heart of Greasby Village and is run mainly by unpaid members of the community to provide facilities for recreational and leisure activities. The range of activities we can support is demonstrated by the weekly timetable of activities, such as sporting, discussion, exercise, children’s groups, hobbies, public meetings etc.


  • Greasby Children's Centre is no longer in use for its original purpose, as a Children’s Centre. However, it is a wonderful space for use by young children as well as parents/carers or other adults. If you would like to come and take a look please get in touch, the Centre is available for regular bookings and one-off events


  • The Green and Blooming Greasby group is a team of volunteers who work hard to improve the green areas of our community. They plant, maintain and care for plants and trees that we all enjoy, mostly in the centre of the village. If you would like to get involved, then please contact them by filling in the form on our website.


  • Greasby Messenger is a local magazine produced to encourage and strengthen community relationships. It contains a wealth of information, local news and a diary of local events, and advertisers know that everyone in their local area will have a copy to refer to.


  • Celebrate Greasby - Our Annual Family Fun day - this popular event brings the community together to enjoy local performers, browse and buy stalls and lots of fun activities for the youngsters.





 The Greasby Centre, Greasby Road, Greasby, Wirral CH49 3AT



Prices for activities vary, please see our website for details


How to get involved

If you want to book one of our centres please use the booking enquiry links on our website.

For any other queries, please use the contact form on our website, or send a message on our Facebook page.


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Greasby Community Association search Greasby Community Association in this directory.


Visit the Greasby Community website

Visit the Greasby Community Facebook page





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