Enjoy a family-friendly bowling experience at the Wirral's favourite classic bowling alley. It's a place where fun spans generations, welcoming everyone from the littlest members to grandparents. A perfect spot for family bonding and creating cherished memories.
Bromborough YBC
Are you aged 5 - 21 years? Enjoy Ten Pin Bowling? We run a Youth Bowling League on Saturday mornings where you can enjoy three games of bowling with the support of our qualified coaches. Meet others who share your interest.
Who is this aimed at?
For young people aged 5 to 21 years
Saturday mornings
10am to 12 noon
Bromborough Bowl, 1 Bassendale Road, Bromborough, Wirral CH62 3QL
£7 for 3 games
How to get involved
Contact reception for more information
Contact details
Phone: 0151 343 1809
Email: Sales@bromboroughbowl.co.uk
For further information
For more information about Bromborough Bowl search Bromborough Bowl in this directory.
Visit the Bromborough Bowl website
Visit the Bromborough Bowl Facebook page