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Free Legal Clinic at The Salvation Army Liverpool Walton – Bell Lamb & Joynson Solicitors

Salvation Army, Cavendish Drive, L9 1NB

Free Legal Clinic at The Salvation Army Liverpool Walton - Bell Lamb & Joynson Solicitors

Award Winning Bell Lamb and & Joynson Solicitors were established in 1821 and so we have 200 years’ worth of experience and expertise to call upon in assisting you in your legal matters across the North West and beyond from our office network in Liverpool, Maghull, Runcorn and Warrington.

The Salvation Army is a worldwide Christian church. Our mission is based on our faith in Jesus Christ who wants everyone to experience life in all its fullness.


Free Legal Clinic

Do you need legal advice about a family matter? Visit our free legal clinic.

  • Children in care proceedings

  • Relationship breakdowns

  • Co-parenting

  • Civil partnerships or cohabitation

  • People who want to adopt

  • Grandparents' visitation

  • Domestic abuse matters

We also offer legal aid and can assess you on a case-by-case basis.


Who is this aimed at?

This is for anyone who needs legal advice about a family matter



Second Monday bi-monthly - please visit the Liverpool Walton Salvation Army Community Centre Facebook page for upcoming dates



9:30am to 12 noon



Salvation Army, Cavendish Drive, Liverpool L9 1NB





How to get involved

No appointment necessary, come along on the day


Contact details

Bell Lamb & Joynson Solicitors

Phone: 0344 412 4348



The Salvation Army Liverpool Walton

Phone: 0151 525 4785



For further information

For more information about Bell Lamb & Joynson Solicitors search Bell Lamb & Joynson Solicitors in this directory.

Visit the Bell Lamb & Joynson Solicitors website

Visit the Bell Lamb & Joynson Solicitors Facebook page


For more information about The Salvation Army Liverpool Walton search The Salvation Army Liverpool Walton  in this directory.

Visit the The Salvation Army Liverpool Walton page on The Salvation Army website

Visit the Liverpool Walton Salvation Army Community Centre Facebook page


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