Longcroft Church is based in the village of Barnston on the Wirral peninsula in the north-west of England.
Our congregation is taken from many different walks of life and covers a full age range. We currently have about 140 adult members although we do not maintain a formal membership roll as such. In addition we have a good number of children plus a few students living away during term time.
Friday Club
Please join us for our teenage Friday Club - term time only
Who is this aimed at?
All teenagers aged 14 to 18 years old
Friday evenings
6:30pm to 8pm
The Longcroft, Storeton Lane, Barnston, Wirral CH61 1BU
How to get involved
Please call or email for more details
Contact details
Phone: 0151 648 2042
Email: enquiries@longcroft.church
For further information
For more information about Longcroft Church, Barnston search Longcroft Church, Barnston in this directory.
Visit the Longcroft Church website
Visit the Longcroft Church Facebook page